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❯❯ Are your top performers leaving you soon?

❯❯ Can't attract new key players?

❯❯ Is your team struggling to reach their goals?

Rouven Behge

Leadership Consultant

We guide leaders of 20+ knowledge workers in implementing an irresistible work environment to attract & retain top performers while driving measurable success.


Over the last 15 years we developed and applied a proven process to achieve outstanding staff commitment and sustainable financial results.


Our pragmatic framework covers the six key areas of an
irresistible work environment:

successful collaboration
  • Why do irresistible work environments outperform others?
    Put simply: "Irresistible Work Environments" are those, where top performers can be at their best, have fun, and consistently deliver results. Successful collaboration is not about making everyone happy. Happy teams without results have very limited lifespans. To enjoy sustainable (financial) success, the effective and efficient delivery of value to your customers and ultimately to all stakeholders is critically important. And it is secured by addressing elements in all 6 key areas of our framework. Our pragmatic approach makes these concepts implementable, so they can be lived on a daily basis. So demonstrating results can act as an additional motivator: giving the team a sense of progress, which in turn can encourage even better collaboration. There's room for improvement in your company? Let's evaluate how we can jointly level up the results of your organization, and get you one step closer to value delivery with laser focus. Get started over here:
  • Why do irresistible work environments attract and retain the best people in an industry?
    In fact, you can't handle all aspects of your business yourself – for time reasons alone. And you can't be the expert in every topic. Otherwise why would you need a team? To be successful, you need the best people for each job. But who are they? The term "best people" is consciously broad. For different companies, industries, market situations and jobs, it can refer to a different group of people. To get an idea: who are the best people in your organization right now? And don't only consider the obvious rockstars, oftentimes it's also the silent ones who make an invaluable contribution. A "Irresistible Work Environment" will help you attract and retain them: How to find them? Hiring great people became increasingly difficult over the past years. And the many career prospects as well as demographic change will intensify this trend even further. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful tools for identifying and attracting new high-potentials to your organization. When your current employees speak positively about their team, their networks are likely to take notice and consider your company as their future employer. But it only works, if the new hires find the environment that they were promised. Looking at your customers, you are well aware that your products and services need to deliver what your brand publicly promises. Otherwise your customers will start turning away. The same dynamics are at play for the members of your team. Addressing elements in all 6 key areas of our framework will help you live in the work environment, that aligns with your brand and values. How to keep them? Top performers tend to want to learn more, do more, achieve more. In order to provide a long-term perspective, there need to be development opportunities and career paths. Staying in a job until you retire is no longer the desired model. And also short-term, what is the best way to defend against competitors poaching your best employees? You offer them something that money can't buy: a work environment that is energizing and rewarding! Ready to invest in your best people? Let us jointly develop and execute your plan, how to make your work environment stand out for candidates and motivate your top performers! Get started over here:
  • What is a "knowledge worker"?
    In short: "(...) one who works primarily with information or one who develops and uses knowledge in the workplace." - Peter Drucker A knowledge worker is someone who primarily deals with creating, organizing, analyzing, or distributing information as a part of their job. Knowledge workers typically require advanced education and/or training to perform their duties effectively and are often responsible for making decisions based on their expertise. They rely on their intellectual abilities, creativity, and critical thinking skills to solve complex problems and drive innovation within their respective industries. In general, knowledge workers are valued for their ability to generate new ideas, identify patterns, and analyze data to make informed decisions that help organizations stay competitive and thrive in today's knowledge-based economy. Example knowledge worker jobs: Freight Forwarder, Marketing Analyst, Sales Representative, Recruiter, Financial Controller, Trainer / Teacher, Software Developer, Medical Researcher, Engineer, Insurance Broker, HR Business Partner, Project Manager, Lawyer, most managerial jobs, and many more!
  • What are the 6 dimensions in your framework, that shape an irresistible work environment?
    The 6 key areas or our framework are: Operational Clarity Value-Driven Processes People & Culture Systems & Technology Remote & Hybrid Teams Engaging Communication And they are not just detached theory. With proven methodologies, tools and techniques, we can work on each of these dimensions to bring you one step closer to the ideal thriving work environment. You can find more information, read a selection of typical problem statements, and see specific topics over here:
  • Which services do you currently offer?
    You can find the full overview here:
  • I need your help, but none of the listed services fits my challenge!
    No problem, we'll get that sorted in no time! Please click the following link and book a call, so we can go over your unique challenge:
  • Who should NOT book your service?
    The following three groups are not ready for real change (yet), and therefore won't be able to derive true value from our collaboration: The Shortcut Seeker The Cost Cutter The Avoider Learn more about them over here:
  • Where can I learn more about Titanflux?
    You can find more details about our mission, aspiration and the company background over here: Follow us on LinkedIn if you'd like to stay up-to-date, receive valuable food for thought, and engage in insightful discussions.
  • What is your professional background, Rouven?
    In short: Proven General Manager and P&L Owner Executive MBA Passionate about successful leadership & irresistible work environments Spent 15 years in logistics & supply chain, a challenging and communication-intense industry in the services sector To learn more, please watch my 3-minute introduction: And if you have a question, please reach out!
  • I have a question, how can I contact you?
    You’re interested in a specific service, have a question about it or are not sure it’s the right one for you? Please book a call from the relevant section on this page and we’ll get it sorted in no time: Alternatively, you can send a message to or call us at +4976215857750. If you are a supplier to Titanflux GmbH, please use the communication channels that were assigned and agreed. Please note that we object to the use of contact information published on our site to send us promotional and information material that we have not expressly requested. Read more about this topic in our Privacy Policy:
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